TSQL Gotcha – Order of expressions for a range search with BETWEEN

Do you trust your users to always pass range search parameters in the correct order? Or do the users trust that the code will take care of a small thing like parameter ordering?

If you have a stored procedure or a script that accepts two parameters to do a range search using a BETWEEN keyword (or maybe with a >= and <=) then it is important to verify that the start expression and end expression are in the correct order. The correct order for numeric values is smaller value before a larger value. The correct order for character values is the dictionary order. A user might pass on the expression values the wrong way around and see no results returned.

The following demonstration has a small check for the correct order of values and to do a quick reorder to fix any issues. To help things a bit more, instead of using generic variable names like @param1 and @param2, they can be made self-documenting by being descriptive like @begin_param and @end_param.

Demonstration with numeric values:

declare @DemoTableNumeric table 
(col1 int)

-- Insert 10 rows in the demo table
insert into @DemoTableNumeric (col1)

-- verify data
select * 
from @DemoTableNumeric

@param1 int, 
@param2 int

-- Assign values
-- Note: Param1 &gt; Param2
@param1 = 7, 
@param2 = 4

-- The following return zero rows
-- because the first expression is
-- greater than the second expression
-- It is a wrong order of values.
select * 
from @DemoTableNumeric
col1 between @param1 and @param2

select * 
from @DemoTableNumeric
col1 &gt;= @param1 and col1 &lt;= @param2

-- It is important to verify the expression
-- values and reorder them if necessary
-- The following IF condition does that
if @param1 &gt; @param2
	declare @temp int
	set @temp = @param1
	set @param1 = @param2
	set @param2 = @temp

-- Now both queries return rows
select * 
from @DemoTableNumeric
col1 between @param1 and @param2

select * 
from @DemoTableNumeric
col1 &gt;= @param1 and col1 &lt;= @param2

Demonstration with character values:

declare @DemoTableChar table 
(col1 varchar(10))

insert into @DemoTableChar (col1)

-- verify data
select * 
from @DemoTableChar

@param1 varchar(10), 
@param2 varchar(10)

-- Note: Param1 &gt; Param2
@param1 = 'Tango', 
@param2 = 'Golf'

-- This returns zero rows
-- because the first expression is
-- greater than the second expression
-- It is a wrong order of values.
select * 
from @DemoTableChar
col1 between @param1 and @param2

select * 
from @DemoTableChar
col1 &gt;= @param1 and col1 &lt;= @param2

-- It is important to verify the expression
-- values and reorder them if necessary
if @param1 &gt; @param2
	declare @temp varchar(10)
	set @temp = @param1
	set @param1 = @param2
	set @param2 = @temp

-- Now both queries return rows
select * 
from @DemoTableChar
col1 between @param1 and @param2

select * 
from @DemoTableChar
col1 &gt;= @param1 and col1 &lt;= @param2